That bumper sticker is offensive. I have avoided auctions but my story of the week was seeing 6 little dark blue espresso cups in the Mary Potter Hospice shop in Karori....nearly going in to buy them....and realising they were the ones I handed in to them....

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Heehaw! This made us laugh, Barbara. Also, that shop is so beautifully styled, isn't it? They take pride in their displays

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Always colour co-ordinated.

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Déjà vu to the Dunbar Sloane thing! It would have been 1982 when I was in the process of redecorating our 1911 Wadestown villa and brought home a pine and glass washboard (who remembers those?) and a brass candlestick. Next time round was a kauri Scotch chest - a bargain! When we moved, nearly 30 years later, the washboard (never used), candlestick (pain in the neck when it came to cleaning) and Scotch chest (well used, but about to be "surplus to requirements") were all exchanged for cash with an "antiques" establishment in Tinakori Rd. Definitely tasteful!

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Hoho! Anything that needs rubbing (brass, copper, silver) is so high maintenance. I never get around to it.

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Jun 15Liked by Leah McFall

On a similar sticker note, there’s a people carrier in New Plymouth with a variation on the “Baby on board” sticker. It reads “Kids up in this bitch”.

I struggle to describe the despair and disgust that sticker instills in me every time I see it.

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That is deeply depressing

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Jun 16Liked by Leah McFall

Haha I love this. I too have succumbed to the joys of auctions - Cordys here in Auckland, and Dunbar Sloane in Wellington (where my poor daughter or her partner have to pick up and store my myriad purchases, including Edwardian mirrors and flower paintings).

I have a nice story about people and their level of taste. Someone I know well and am related to by marriage (an Aucklander from Herne Bay) was clearing out a house of a deceased relative and stood in some dogshit. She took off her Jimmy Choo DIAMANTE sneakers, highly suitable attire for clearing a property obviously, and put one in a bucket to dry out. Somebody who was helping clear out the stuff threw it in the skip. She was so upset to lose her Jimmy Choo sneakers that she bought 2 more pairs to replace the lost one (?!). Both also diamante Jimmy Choos. And they cost $2300 Australian dollars a pair, even though they are utterly hideous.

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OMG!!! Hahaha!

The most expensive shoes are the most tasteless, aren't they? I saw a pair of studded Valentino heels at David Jones once for something like $1800 and they were so ugly I nearly fainted

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Jun 16Liked by Leah McFall

About 25 years ago, while buying woollen socks in Lower Norsewood, I found a complete Susie Cooper dinner set - we use it so often. But never saw the point of collecting the dust-ables or never used. Be careful - we all know people addicted to it.

PS my favourite bumper sticker this week was "Landlord free by 2030!

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Now I'm going to go down a Susie Cooper rabbit hole, Susan!

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Jun 16Liked by Leah McFall


My best accidental find (at the Nuhaka School Fair) was truly filthy crocus pattern cream jug. I think it must have lived in a shed for a decade or three. Though much loved and used - I thought it was a beautiful fake until a friend who knew about such things had a close look at the Clarice Cliff stamp.

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Haha. I lay in bed until 1am last night scrolling through the latest estate auction at Dunbars. It's addictive. Who are the people that had all this 'stuff'? That's where the story is 😃

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Snortle! The lots which are just boxes, jumbled with unidentified stuff, feel like a fun risk to take

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Jun 15Liked by Leah McFall

love always, you tasteless bunny

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Jun 15Liked by Leah McFall

Classic. I feel seen.

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Jun 15Liked by Leah McFall

Ditto but with Webbs! I search for very specific ceramic items (my parents’ very ordinary Crown Lynn dinner set) and scoff at them trying to auction off the less tasteful pieces, mainly because I already possess many of them (first home purchases in the early 90s)

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Crown Lynn definitely feels well picked-over and impossible to pick up at a bargain price. I do wonder if Royal Doulton will ever come around again. Their figurines are so freaking awful

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