Sep 18Liked by Leah McFall

Thanks again for your lovely writing. I love to hear your thoughts - one of the reasons is that we're planning to shift to Wellington to be nearer our eldest daughter and her partner, and a realistic appraisal of life there is appreciated. We live on the edge of the North Shore in Auckland, an expensive suburb called Greenhithe. Having been here for 25 years, it has changed so much and most of the nice people have been replaced by - I can't think of a nice word to describe them actually. Just a few days ago, I was walking my pup, who is having a few issues being fearful and reactive (after having ongoing health problems). Going past the park which is close to our house, a Kardashian-clone lip pumped influencer in beige tights, crop top and diamante adorned cap was filming something 'inspirational' for her followers presumably, and my pup growled at her (she has good taste). She KEPT filming without asking permission and gave me advice on how to stop my pup from growling at strangers. I'm guessing she posted this to her followers and I'm not sure how they would have felt about this apparition of horror - a 58 year old with dyed red hair, glasses, and natural wrinkles with no makeup on and track pants from K Mart paired with a second hand top from Recycle Style...hope she lost some influence as a result ;) Anyway, you can see why we want to leave...somehow Wellington always seems to be more human and reality based than the North Shore does!

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God! How ill-mannered can you be? Filming without permission is so confrontational and unkind. What are we becoming?

I had to laugh at that description, though, Kris. Hand on heart, nobody in Karori fits that description and I've never had anyone approach me like that. Wellington has its challenges right now, but that kind of nonsense isn't one of them!

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So many poignant moments in this piece. “These are the spaces where human control gives way to pests, insects, hives or nests, and creatures of the night.” Also, I think it’s okay to ask for a rice cooker AND your blow dry/gel manicures AND a treat. 🤪😂😅 To be fair, my husband and I stopped doing presents a few years ago when I got into “decluttering” mode and realised adding more items to our home every year for every birthday, anniversary, Christmas, etc, is pointless and will just lead to inventory management/stuff overload. But if a rice cooker makes your life easier, do it. ☺️ The Ninja air fryer was the best thing my husband bought for us. Even though he does 99% of the cooking, I still like using it to make my lunches. Thanks for sharing. 🫶🏻 Also, cherry blossom rain sounds romantic.

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I love your perspective! (Also, your hubs sounds FAB). Excuse me while I go and research the Ninja Air Fryer 😁🔪👩‍🍳

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Once again, loved reading, Leah. ‘I’d like to be French for my birthday, perhaps. Or just insouciant. That’s what I’d probably like at 52 - a little more shrug, and a little less neurosis.’

Ha! Reading in the middle of the UK night after waking from an anxious dream, I can see the appeal of that!

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Wendy! I have been banking your pieces to read them in bed!

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Sep 19Liked by Leah McFall

The very reason God and I encourage you in your writings is that they represent a wonderful account of a life nearly worn out. Birds fly.They die at the hands - or teeth , of a more powerful predator. That's the ACT Party for you. The Rice Cooker discussion proves you are turning 52.Congratulations ! The next twenty years will be over in a flash. I'm 72 and its wonderful. I'm a "slow cooker" now. Have no idea what it (the slow cooker) is doing but as long as I leave it to its own devices,it does come up with something,even if its only soup every day. A bit like Radio New Zealand National.

Onwards and downwards Leah.

They key to successful ageing is being able to see and dismiss right wing politicians,call centres,spin doctors, business people "going forward," oven cleaners, vacuum cleaners, fashion, Taylor Swift,

people-who-mean-well-by-telling-you-something-for-your-own-good, Gloriavale and Valentine's Day.

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SNORTERS! If you're a slow cooker (tastes even better the next day) then I'm a stick mixer (can't handle anything unless it's already mush). Your comment should be up in lights

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